Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Attempting to live like a "Normal"

As of today I am 24 weeks and 1 day pregnant with another daughter.  I was so relieved at my week 12 u/s to hear that the baby looked healthy so far.  Since then each time I see the baby's flat feet (Kayla had club feet) and straight fingers (Kayla's were permanently bent) I am amazed that I have a physically healthy looking daughter.  At the same time I am scared that something else could happen to her.  I pray and beg God to let us keep this girl healthy, safe from harm.  Recently one night J said to me "I hope my sister doesn't die".  It broke my heart.  He never got the opportunity to know his twin sister.  I have to believe that we are being given a second chance in a way to have a daughter and get to know her.
Next week is mine and my husband's 9th wedding anniversary.  I remember when we first started dating I went to a fortune teller just for the hec of it.  She told me that I would have 3 children with my husband.  I always wanted at least 2 children, being an only child was lonely because I felt as though I was missing out on a special sibling relationship.  My parents weren't able to have more children and felt they were blessed to have at least 1. I get this, I am blessed to have J and thank God for him because without him I don't know how I would have made it saying goodbye to Kayla - if you didn't know I held him as I said goodbye to her as she grew her angel wings.  He was my only comfort.
We haven't decided on a name for our newest daughter.  Nothing seems perfect enough - is this my subconcioussness' way of protecting me from the horror I lived through before?  I now remember when I sat in the hospital unsure of Kayla's fate with the paperwork for her social security card.  Do we stick with the name Kayla or give her another name so if she dies we could give the name Kayla to our next daughter if she lives?  Looking back, what an awful thought and yet it was a decision I had to make.  I went with naming her Kayla because after 10 minutes of contemplating, I realized it didn't matter her name because she deserved the perfect name for her, just as this daughter shall have the perfect name for her.

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